Smoking Hair test
Provided big wind, rain and smoke/dust to simulate driving into a storm
Product: Samsung Mobile
Company: Smuggler
Designer: Zach Mathews
you don't need to work multiple jobs in order to pay your cell-phone bill, if you choose Boost
Directed By: Stacy Wall
Product: Boost Mobile
Company: Imperial Woodpecker
Provided the look of dark, nasty smoke by blowing bone black powder through fake exhaust pipe
Product: aflac
Provided the look of dark, nasty smoke by blowing bone black powder through fake exhaust pipe
Product: aflac
Co2 blasts from handheld nozzles
Face Blower rig and fans create wind effects
Product: Sprint
Company: Anonymous Content
Air Mover Money Flying test
Directed By: Reel Efx
Dry Ice Fogger
Directed By: Reel Efx
Steam blast from peanut boiler
Directed By: Reel Efx