Christina Aguilera steam behind the scenes. Steam and smoke plumes.
Directed By: Hype Williams
Product: Christina Aguilera
Company: HSI Productions
Designer: Regan Jackson
Two tornado plumes through RE fan
Directed By: hype Williams
Product: christina Aguilera
Company: hsI Productions
Designer: regan Jackson
Tornado plume through RE fan
Directed By: Hype Williams
Product: Christina Aguilera
Company: HSI Productions
Designer: Regan Jackson
Marlboro smoke effect test
Directed By: Nathan McGuinness
Product: Marlboro "Smoke Journey"
Company: Kommitted Films, LLC
Designer: Matt Warner
Fake Steam Plume test for Christina Aguilera music video
Directed By: Hype Williams
Product: Christina Aguilera
Company: HSI Productions
Designer: Regan Jackson
Black powder poof behind the scenes for Nationwide's "Greatest Spokesman" ads Magic and Fight with Fabio.
Directed By: Phil Joanou
Product: Nationwide
Company: MJZ
Designer: Jennifer Davis
CO2 Stage Fog
Product: Disney Stage Fog
Company: Buena Vista Special Events
Designer: Michael Kern
Provided the Co2 effects coming out of the capsule
Product: Old Navy
Company: Smuggler
Provided atmospheric smoke effects and stunt rigging for the guys flying out of the way.
Product: Jordan Brand
Company: Smuggler
Designer: Robbie Freed
Joey the hothead
Directed By: Reel Efx