1st Genie Magic Carpet test for Capital One
Directed By: David Kellog
Product: Capital One
Company: Anonymous Content
Designer: Zach Matthews
Tilting Hydraulic Platform
Directed By: Alexel Tylevich
Product: Nissan
Company: Logan Media
Designer: Teri Whittaker
Mechanical Effects
Tilting Hydraulic Platform
Directed By: Alexei Tylevich
Product: Nissann Cube
Company: Logan Media
Designer: Teri Whittaker
Mechanical Effects
Fabricated system of turntables
Product: Old Navy
Company: Smuggler
Fabricated system of turntables
Product: Old Navy
Company: Smuggler
Behind the scenes of truck teetering and then rolling down the hill
Product: Dude, What Would Happen
Company: Dalaklis Media
Mechanical Effects
Fabricated functioning rc driven robot
Directed By: Reel Efx
Product: Brighthouse
Company: Sweet Shop films
Designer: Dylan Kahn
Fabricated functioning rc driven robot
Directed By: Reel Efx
Product: Brighthouse
Company: Sweet Shop films
Designer: Dylan Kahn
Final Product: Mechanical and prop effects
Product: Peugeot
Company: Partizan
Designer: Christopher Jones
Fabricated working RC driven robot using found items to look like a kid built for school science fair
Product: Brighthouse
Company: Sweet Shop films
Designer: Dylan Kahn