Big rain and wind equal disaster when a big tree branch crashes onto a parked car for this spot.
Directed By: David Frankham
Product: Allstate
Company: Smuggler
Designer: Steve Sumney
Created rain to wash off a very dirty Subaru
Directed By: Scott Hicks
Product: Subaru
Company: Independent Media
Designer: Barbara Ling
Rain/Snow/Water Effects
Various water effects were created for this spot. Water was shot through mortars, hoses, sprinklers and a large dump tank.
Directed By: Warren Kushner
Company: Partizan
Designer: Dylan Kahn
Rain/Snow/Water Effects
Huggies Baby Pee Rig
Rain/Snow/Water Effects
Created the look of Tibet with real snow, snow blanket, chimney smoke from the tents and wind.
Directed By: Justin Reardon
Product: Vitamin Water
Designer: Bella Serrell
Rain effects utilizing Crane Rain, Rain Towers and a Handheld Wand near camera.
Built up an area with asphalt to create a deep puddle of water for the car to splash through.
Rain/Snow/Water Effects
Crane Rain job with additional handheld
rain wand.
Weak Knee rig for dropping cars to simulate falling from the sky.
Directed By: Michael Haussman
Product: Hertz
Company: HSI
Designer: Richard Lassalle
Rain/Snow/Water Effects
H2OH Water Shooting Tests
Directed By: Warren Kushner
Product: H2OH
Company: Partizan
Designer: Dylan Kahn
Rain/Snow/Water Effects
H2OH Tests featuring pressurized 5 gallon water bottles
Rain/Snow/Water Effects
Tests for a Mock Bellagio fountain
Rain/Snow/Water Effects