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Water test 2/9, #5
Directed By: Reel Efx
Company: Reel Efx
Water test 2/9, #4 (balloon)
Directed By: Reel Efx
Company: Reel EFx
Water test, 2/9 - #3
Directed By: Reel Efx
Company: Reel Efx
Water test, 2/9 - #2
Directed By: Reel Efx
Company: Reel Efx
Water test, 2/9 - #1
Directed By: Reel Efx
Company: Reel Efx
we transformed our little patch of grass in Southern California into a winter wonderland
Directed By: Reel Efx
Product: Snow
Company: Reel EFx
a traffic control tower, in the middle of blizzard, sees mysterious flying objects
Directed By: Jon Watts
Product: ESPN - X-Games
Company: Smuggler
A young woman, happily sipping a McCafé Caramel Mocha on her way home, discovers that her lovely boyfriend has swept the snow from her stoop
Directed By: Jim Zoolalian
Product: McDonalds McCafe Caramel Mocha
Company: Boxer Fims
Designer: Nick Goodman
filmed on set, this emulates the movement of water as a whale emerges from the ocean
A large spray of water, to emulated the splash a whale would make when emerging from the ocean
Reel EFX | 5539 Riverton Avenue | North Hollywood, CA 91601 | Phone: 818.762.1710 | Fax: 818.762.1734
Copyright Reserved. Reel EFX 2025