Created real and post smoke elements for the Genie
Directed By: David Kellogg
Product: Budweiser
Company: Anonymous Content
Designer: Chris Jones
Smoked in the entire Hollywood Bowl in order for the crowd to see the laser show for the Roger Waters show
Directed By: Reel Efx
Product: Roger Waters at the Hollywood Bowl
Created heavy wind effects for this spot featuring an enormous fan.
Directed By: Justin Reardon
Product: Smirnoff
Company: Anonymous Content
Designer: Bella Smirnoff
Smoke tests using a Mole fogger and smoke pellets to creat a wispy smoke element around a black sphere
Blue Pyro Smoke tests
Dr.Pepper Face Blow Rig Tests
Smoke Test Photos
Pyro Poofs for a Budweiser Commercial
Smoke elements using a mole fogger, an RE-fan and a black ball
Genie smoke tests using G300 and tiny foggers