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operated our 10 man made tornado on stage and provided wind effects on location
Product: FEMA
Company: Cine Concepto
Designer: Nick Goodman
Quiktrip final. A spreadsheet storm created by using Reel EFX's tornado.
Directed By: Joachim Back
Product: QuikTrip
Company: Park Pictures
Designer: Ginger Tougas
Susan shooting liquid propane into our 10' man made tornado. Shot at 210fps - slow motion
Directed By: Reel Efx
Final Product: Tornado, fire, and water effects
Product: Guinness Beer
Company: Stink Ltd
The effects of our 10 foot man made tornado as it goes over a tank of water. This effect was one of many elements in the Guinness "Tornado" commercial.
Directed By: Reel Efx
27 foot tornado on stage for Fusion MPI meeting
Directed By: Reel Efx
Effects of our Fire Tornado on a dummy wearing a fire suit
Fire Tornado used by David Copperfield live on television special
Product: David Copperfield
Constructed a structure that would spin inside of our 10ft tornado's vortex simulating larger debris
Directed By: Reel Efx
Product: Aflac
Water Vortex created in our 300 gallon clear, round tank
Directed By: Reel Efx
Reel EFX | 5539 Riverton Avenue | North Hollywood, CA 91601 | Phone: 818.762.1710 | Fax: 818.762.1734
Copyright Reserved. Reel EFX 2025